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ANTIFA Linked Sites Post Claimed Credit Statement for Portland Bank of America Arson Case

Published: 1/10/2023 +

Redpill Rating: COMPLETE REDPILL (true)
BrickHouse Nutrition - Field of Greens - Real. Organic. Superfoods. - From $6.60/oz.

On New Year’s Eve of 2023 (December 31, 2022), a Bank of America was set ablaze in Portland. The Portland Police Bureau released a statement claiming the cause was arson and issued a 25k reward. Shortly after the fire, a couple of Antifa blogs and websites (Abolition Media and Scenes from the Atlanta Forest) posted an alleged statement from the arsonist. The message claimed the reason for starting the fire was ‘six friends in Atlanta charged with domestic terrorism’ and wanted to ‘bring them some warmth in the winter’.

Below are photos of the fire and the firefighters fighting it as well as a few photos of the suspect.

Atlanta Forest Copy

Note: This article was updated on 5/24/2024 to fix a 404 PDF link, typos, to add some clarifying dates, and to add all of the photos of the fire, firefighters, and suspect. The title was updated to also reflect the fact that it’s not possible to establish a definitive link between the message, the suspect, and ANTIFA.

Links to Evidence:

Redpill Rating: COMPLETE REDPILL (true)
BrickHouse Nutrition - Field of Greens - Real. Organic. Superfoods. - From $6.60/oz.

Published: 1/10/2023

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