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CNN Aired an Altered Video of Joe Rogan When He Announced That He Had Contracted Covid

Published: 8/19/2024

Redpill Rating: COMPLETE REDPILL (true)
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On September 01, 2021 Joe Rogan announced he had contracted COVID-19. Shortly after, CNN re-aired the same clip in a segment which was altered differently than the original from Joe Rogan’s instagram post.

The alteration provides a more “sickly” look to Rogan than the original.

There’s no way to know if they applied the alteration, or if they did if it was intentional, but they did air it, and based on our research they didn’t retract it, issue a correction, an explanation, or apologize.

We have not altered either version of the videos featured below (with the exception of clipping the video down to the relevant section aired on CNN).

According to an AP Fact-Check, they said CNN emailed them and stated the following:

“The image was not altered using Photoshop or any filter,” CNN said in a statement emailed to the AP. “The raw upload was ingested using the direct link to Joe Rogan’s Instagram video, which was then cut for TV.”

Because this was an email between AP Fact Check and CNN, there’s no way we can independently verify that CNN said this.

Links to Evidence:

Redpill Rating: COMPLETE REDPILL (true)
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Published: 8/19/2024

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