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Kamala Harris Was the Tie Breaking Vote on the Inflation Reduction Act Which Provided More Funding to the IRS and Increased Scrutiny on Collecting Taxes on Tips

Published: 8/14/2024

Redpill Rating: COMPLETE REDPILL (true)
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The Inflation Reduction Act was passed on August 7, 2022, with a 51-50 vote in the senate. Kamala Harris as Vice President, cast the tie-breaking vote in favor of passing the act.

The Inflation Reduction Act included funding to the IRS in the amount of ~$80 Billion.

The $80 Billion allocated to the IRS was intended for:

  • Hiring additional staff, including agents for enforcement.
  • Upgrading technology to better track income, including tips, which are often under reported.
  • Enhancing compliance efforts, particularly targeting high-income individuals and corporations.

Following the funding, the IRS introduced programs like SITCA (Service Industry Tip Compliance Agreement). This program is a voluntary reporting program but essentially aims at ensuring that tips are reported accurately by using point-of-sale systems data to monitor tip revenue.

The amounts of funding allocated to the IRS in this act are as follows:

  • 3.1B (page 32)
  • 45.6B (page 33)
  • 25.3B (page 34)
  • 4.7B (page 34)

For a total of ~78.7 Billion dollars.

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Redpill Rating: COMPLETE REDPILL (true)
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Published: 8/14/2024

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