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The FBI Asks Judge to Slowly Release Seth Rich Laptop Data Over Course of More Than 66 Years

Published: 5/22/2023 +

Redpill Rating: COMPLETE REDPILL (true)
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In a formal request filed on 10/27/2022, the FBI first asked the judge to reverse its order that requires the FBI to disclose information from Seth Rich’s laptop. In the event that the judge refuses to reverse it, they ask for a secondary consideration to permit them an estimated 66+ years to process and release the information on the laptop.

The FBI estimates approximately 400,000 pages plus images and videos to be contained in the laptop filesystem. The court had previously established an information production schedule of a rate of 500 pages per month.

400,000 pages / 500 pages per month = 800 months.

800 months = 66.666_ years.

Segment of Legal Filing About Seth Rich's Laptop


Keep in mind this is only with their estimation previously provided. If they happen to find non-trivial amounts of additional data, then it could take even longer.

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Redpill Rating: COMPLETE REDPILL (true)
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Published: 5/22/2023

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