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Idaho Passes New Law Requiring Biological Sex Bathroom Usage in Schools

Published: 4/3/2023

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Brad Little, the Governor of Idaho, signed a bill this week requiring students to use bathrooms that align only with their biological sex. The bill which was signed in to law is available as a PDF below. The most relevant portion of the bill reads as follows:

33-6603. SCHOOL RESTROOMS. (1) Every public school restroom or chang-ing
facility accessible by multiple persons at the same time must be:

(a) Designated for use by male persons only or female persons only; and
(b) Used only by members of that sex.

(2) No person shall enter a multi-occupancy restroom or changing facil-
ity that is designated for one sex unless such person is a member of that sex.
The public school with authority over the building shall ensure that all re-
strooms and changing facilities provide its users with privacy from members
of the opposite sex.

(3) In any other public school setting where a person may be in a state
of undress in the presence of others, school personnel must provide separate
and private areas designated for use by persons based on their sex, and no
person may enter these private areas unless such person is a member of the
designated sex.

(4) During any school authorized activity or event where persons share
overnight lodging, school personnel must provide separate sleeping quar-
ters for members of each sex. No person shall share sleeping quarters, a
restroom, or a changing facility with a person of the opposite sex, unless
the persons are members of the same family.


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Redpill Rating: COMPLETE REDPILL (true)
CoffeeBrandCoffee.com - Medium Roast, Dark Roast, Decaf, and more - from $1.50/oz

Published: 4/3/2023

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