Published: 3/28/2023 | ||| |
On March 27, 2023, a 28 year old Female to Male Transexual (Audrey Hale) killed 3 kids, all aged 9, and 3 adults, each over 60 at a religious school called The Covenant School.
The adult victims are as follows:
Cynthia Peak, a substitute teacher, 61
Katherine Koonce, head of school, 60
Mike Hill, custodian, 61
The photos of the students could not be found. Their names are below. All were aged 9 years old.
Evelyn Dieckhaus
Hallie Scruggs
William Kinney
A video of her driving her car in the parking lot and entering the school can be seen below.
A video of the body cams from the police who ended the thread can be seen below.
Some pictures of her are below.
Some pictures of the guns she used are seen below.
Some photos of the aftermath can be seen below.
Published: 3/28/2023 | || |