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Government Introduced Glitched Video Evidence in Jan. 6th Trials When an Unglitched Version Existed

Published: 1/25/2023

Redpill Rating: COMPLETE REDPILL (true)
BrickHouse Nutrition - Field of Greens - Real. Organic. Superfoods. - From $6.60/oz.

New Evidence has leaked in the form of videos containing Ray Epps breaching the barricades before other protesters. The first video, used in trials against various Jan. 6th protesters to help convict them, contains a few second “glitch” during the initial breech. However, a 2nd version of the video has been leaked that contains no “glitch” at all. It’s unclear how that glitch was introduced in the video that was submitted as evidence in the court trial. Both videos are below.

Links to Evidence:

Redpill Rating: COMPLETE REDPILL (true)
BrickHouse Nutrition - Field of Greens - Real. Organic. Superfoods. - From $6.60/oz.

Published: 1/25/2023

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