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Seattle Plastic Surgeon Who Specialized in Transgender Surgeries Sued by State of Washington for Allegedly Falsifying Before and After Photos

Published: 1/1/2023

Redpill Rating: COMPLETE REDPILL (true)
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A Seattle plastic surgeon that specialized in a variety of transgender services is being sued by the state of Washington for falsifying before and after photos of patients in order to make his surgeries seem more successful. The lawsuit also indicates he allegedly had patients sign NDAs (Non-disclosure Agreements) that were in violation of the law and in some cases had patients sign these just to be seen for a consultation. This is a violation of State and federal consumer protection laws. If a patient posted a negative review on social media, his practice would threaten them with the illegal NDA or attempt to bribe them to take it down. One version of the NDA used by the practice even stated that the patient’s personal health information could be revealed if they refused to take down the bad review.

Making deceptive digital alterations to “before and after” photos and using the altered photos to advertise on Instagram and other online media to make the results of surgery and other cosmetic services look better than they actually were

Before and After Patient Images

Legal Document Discussing NDAs

Washington State Vs Sajan

Links to Evidence:

Redpill Rating: COMPLETE REDPILL (true)
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Published: 1/1/2023

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