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Rachel Levine Doubles Down on Gender-Affirming Care as 'Medically Necessary'

Published: 12/28/2022

Redpill Rating: COMPLETE REDPILL (true)
BrickHouse Nutrition - Field of Greens - Real. Organic. Superfoods. - From $6.60/oz.

Rachel Levine, the US Assistant Secretary For Health, tweeted out on Oct. 12, 2022 that gender-affirming care is ‘medically necessary’ in response to a video posted by Jon Stewart regarding an interview he conducted with Attorney General Leslie Rutledge. This comes despite a growing number of international bodies (Sweden, Great Britian etc.) that have shifted from gender-affirming care, especially for minors, mainly due to ethical questions surrounding consent and a lack of long term evidence of its effectiveness.

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Redpill Rating: COMPLETE REDPILL (true)
BrickHouse Nutrition - Field of Greens - Real. Organic. Superfoods. - From $6.60/oz.

Published: 12/28/2022

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