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Shoplifting Is a Nearly 100 Billion Dollar Problem in the US

Published: 12/26/2022 +

Redpill Rating: COMPLETE REDPILL (true)
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2021 data collected by the NRF (National Retail Federation), shows that retail theft is a $94.5 Billion problem.

The study found that, similar to the last five years, the average shrink rate in 2021
was 1.4%. When taken as a percentage of total retail sales in 2021, that shrink
represents $94.5 billion in losses, up from $90.8 billion in 2020. While retail shrink
encompasses many types of loss, it is primarily driven by external theft, including
theft attributed to ORC. In fact, retailers, on average, saw a 26.5% increase in ORC
incidents in 2021. Beyond the loss of goods, these incidents are increasingly
alarming. Eight in 10 retailers surveyed report that the violence and aggression
associated with ORC incidents increased in the past year.

The National Retail Federation is the largest retail association in the US.

The link to the survey that includes this data is below, as is the press release.


Links to Evidence:

Redpill Rating: COMPLETE REDPILL (true)
BrickHouse Nutrition - Field of Greens - Real. Organic. Superfoods. - From $6.60/oz.

Published: 12/26/2022

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