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Did Joe Biden Say He Didn't Need Voters to Get Elected?

Published: 9/26/2022

Redpill Rating: COMPLETE WHITEPILL (unable to verify)
BrickHouse Nutrition - Field of Greens - Real. Organic. Superfoods. - From $6.60/oz.

In a speech prior to election day 2022, Joe Biden stumbled while speaking and said one of two things. It’s not easy for us to determine what exactly he said. The two possible versions are listed below.

  1. “I don’t need you to get me elected.”
  2. “I not only need you to get me elected.”

We will leave it up to the reader to resolve the ambiguity themselves. The video is embedded below.

Note: This article used to be a redpill, and stated that Joe Biden had said the first of the two interpretations above. Special thanks to @Gregory11535430 from Twitter for the second interpretation! This article was updated on 5/18/2023.

Links to Evidence:

Redpill Rating: COMPLETE WHITEPILL (unable to verify)
BrickHouse Nutrition - Field of Greens - Real. Organic. Superfoods. - From $6.60/oz.

Published: 9/26/2022

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